To My Lovely Big Sis,
I just want to say that
Everything has changed

Next time
If you would want to go traveling
Bring along both of your children
It is good for a family gathering
Rather than asking mum to take care of them
Despite her old age
It is the problem on your son
When you arrive in Singapore
He went out with his friends at 1230am midnightsClaiming that he had supper at Dinas
I waited for him
Without letting dad and mum to worry
Until 2:30am
I could not withstand the tired
I went for sleep
Dad and mum were awaken
I was so shocked that he could “supper” until 5 hours
Was he still caring for the old people?Was he thinking of older people are worrying for him?
Was he telling the truth that he was going Dinas for supper?
All these remained unknown
Dad and Mum did not tell you at all
As, they wanted you to enjoy your trip
Without worrying the children for a few days
Tuesday, 1st June 2011
You called several timeTo ask mum to inform dad to take her for check-up
I would want to say that
Since you were on trip
Just relax yourself
Cough took a long time to recover
She was so naughty to have ice, to have those not healthy foods
How to recover faster?
And for himIt was even superb
He did not eat any medicine at all
Thinking that his body immune was champion against infection
Again, went out early in the morning
Saying that he was in cinema
But ending up celebrating birthday with friends
It was still ok
But, it took him 12am to arrive home
Wednesday, 2nd June 2011
It was a worse day
You called again to ask mum to inform dad the same thing
Dad was angry
Both of them were having a fightEnding up my ears were painful throughout the day
Listening the repeating mumbles from mum
For her
Some improvement – No more eating ice
For him
Getting worse
The same thing – Went out early in the morning
Back at 1amDad and mum were waiting
I just kept silence
Until I was unable to be patience with
I voiced out everything in the blog

He has no more medicine to cure
He did not care anyone that love and worry over him
He did not care his own health
He did not even listen a word that mum said
He did not keep his promise over what you have told him to
And I am having the strong sixth sense
If he is allowed by you and brother-in-law to have motor/ car license
That something will happen on him
If he continues to be like this
Other parents do not care for their children
Allow their children to back home late at night
This is their problem
Would you want to be one of them?
It is your responsibility to take care your children
Dad and mum have finished their responsibility to grow us up
They have the right not to take care your children
Because they care, they love, they concern
But what your son has paid them?

Nothing, but fear
From your lovely brother,
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