Saturday, October 31, 2009

Raymond Lam - Let's Party Concert Promo @ The Mines, Serdang - 24/10





阿峰说国语专辑刚录完一首歌,还不确定何时出,但希望能在年底演唱会前搞定,让他能在演唱会唱。这一次专辑风格很多,毕竟是国语专辑,曲风可以多样化,但依旧情歌为主。接着就是颁发纪念品给主办单位及切蛋糕仪式(由于刀迟送上,阿峰开玩笑要用手劈蛋糕),当然也少不了推介利。他们按钮过后,就出现阿峰演唱会海报,不过不是说很漂亮。过后还有游戏环节,差点就给阿峰叫上台,不过还是小孩子最有吸引力。叫上去的是小莉的DD。题目很简单,就是要年底演唱会找谁当嘉宾。年底演唱会有三位海外嘉宾及本地一个嘉宾。第一个玩的当然是小孩哈,他就说钟MM,因为他们很MATCH,结果真的获得很多的掌声。哈哈!有两位就说小怡,阿峰就说是不是要她以宫心计造型,厚厚的头发上台演出,真搞笑。有位说佘诗曼,还有一位男的说荷妈,阿峰听了很好笑,可能考虑让47姐跳舞。眼看礼物都是送观众,阿峰就说自己有没有礼物收,哈哈!接着就是FF送上纸折类似龙的造型的东东,还用玻璃盖起来呢!至于抽签大奖没我的份,不说了。最后演唱会会否湿身,阿峰反说他唱歌很热,自然湿!!某人今天很爱顶话,看来心情大好呀!由于云顶空气薄,阿峰还是注重操FIT 身体,以最佳状态见大家!最后就是媒体访问。

来到大合照时,我的签名海报被偷一张,我看到是谁拿,不过却没证据指证,所以就算了。进去的时候,不懂负责人是否误会我要上台,其实我是根据工作人员指示在那里啊,冤枉的被警告,还好解释清楚了就知道是误会,负责人也感激大家的到来与支持。大合照时,阿峰居然要大家排好了,自己才进去,哈哈!可能怕挤吧 。我本来是站着的,结果CANDY妈说男生应该蹲,加上她以热情态度和我对话,我也依据她的吩咐。这次合照我有点不满意,就是嘴巴抽筋,笑得不自然~~

接着就是送礼物给阿峰,递给他的时候,他又被吓了,说很大分(其实阿峰不是很想要收礼物么??),哈哈。往常一样,阿峰还是礼貌地道谢,过后看到有人趁机握手,我也特意 在他面前举起右手,他真的也举起手和我握手啊!又是多一句道谢,我抬头望阿峰,对着他笑,他也对着我笑,才发现,我矮他半个头,泪奔~

最后,阿峰离开了,由于我的礼物纸袋够大,他把所有礼物装进去,自己拿走,听好,是自己亲自拿!(往常是工作人员拿)这次送阿峰全家福多拉A梦,象征有他、未来老婆及孩子,哈哈!现场还不时有尖叫声,主持人还称赞我们会员呢!!一出到外面,遇到卖咖啡姐姐,看到咖啡卖完,海报剩余很多,就问看能不能再拿,毕竟我有卖咖啡,但其中一张被偷;她最后真的给我,爱死她了! 旁边卖马版演唱会40元,那人看到我穿会服,就说我肯定买,最终我应了她,考虑先。原因是,不值得~


International Kolam @ Deepavali Festival; Pavillion KL

Last Saturday before going back Nibong Tebal, I went to Sg. Wang area again with Azlan. Not buying things, but to survey, haha^^ That day was window-shopping, or perhaps as a tourist will do, since we took a lot of scenary, esp those beautiful Kolam, as that day was Deepavali... Lol, no mood to hiao also since too crowded. Right, Azlan?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Vietnamese Restaurant - Is That So Spicy?

On last Friday, I went to KL Sentral to rebought my Touch N Go... Luckily this time it not terjatuh liao, kaka! Use Touch N Go is faster cuz when u just arrive de station, and the KTM is there, u can touch n run into it, but if u buy ticket... U must be like last time of me when I slowly bought the ticket... and slowly tag through the machine... Still can go in... cuz I M THE BOSS, THE KTM WAIT FOR ME, hahahaha^^ Then I went to The Mines a while, having Vietnamese food as dinner... lol, with Tambai Kia's Geng^^ They all really cannot eat spicy... Actually it is not spicy... How cum one by one all SWEAT~~

Penangites Association Dinner @ Seri Kembangan

Frankly to say that I never join any activties that Penangites Association carries out~ Hmm, cuz I am ady busy with my personal academic n Ko-k activities, which is not important, I will make up my mind not to go^^ But this time I go since dapat makan ma... Hahaha~ Well, I think as a Penangite, we shud really join it, it is a free group that allows other state frens to join, hmmm... with a nice decorating T-shirt... My Hometown Penang^^ We went to Seri Kembangan, Serdang to try out the well known steamboat, and RM23, let u enjoy a sumptous meal just like IN PENANG! Lol, good to join since I make more n more frens throughout de gathering^^

Aquarium 21st Anniversary^^

Yesterday was Alwin big, special n meaningful day, lol, this tambai kia, so many ppl celebrate birthday with him^^ Actually many ppl dun wan cum lo, if not i go n invite... Mana taulah Raja sehari changed to Sida Sehari^^ We all went to Mid Valley, w...hich I not been there for almost 2 months. We wanna played him but turned out to be he was too clever, he played himself at the end for couldnt find us. Lol, SS change to CSS lo^^ Anyway, Happy 21st Birthday for Aquarium Chan^^ (Do u know we wan to slap the cake seller?)

Well, actually we wanna to write the words on the cake on ourselves, but that bastard lady said it would spoilt la, slow la... Wei Ah Che, we pay for it, we wan to spoilt la, we wan to throw to ur face is our business, OK!!! Dun think that Penangites are easily bullied... lol... KL ppl!!! Ok, talking bout Alwin, we actually wanna him to rush here n there to search for us, but he was so clever till he shopped himself. At the end, he was damned fool, played himself, to search for us although it was only a simple task... We were at a big place but he could lost the direction, so he was the TAMBAI kia lo!!

BTW, It was an amazing day cuz I thought won't be so many ppl here... At the end, there were 8 persons, including Kris who returned UKM earlier, that celebrate his 21st birthday... Although he more tua one year, but he looked like a kid... Haha~~ So platinum Master Card holder, now is ur turn to celebrate and sponsor the birthday party of all the 8 persons... Keke^^