Sunday, October 31, 2010

Charmaine Sheh Skinz Infinite Roadshow

自从健康状况好了之后,第一个就追阿峰,第二个就追阿佘;也可以算是本月的第二次追星活动。不过,有别于上一次追峰的经历,这一次追佘行动是属于冷静式的。在好友Raymond的陪同下,我们下午四点钟就在会场等候,不过却不在乎所站地,在第4排。与阿峰当天三千相比,人数依然还是爆灯很多,只是只有一半。卖口乖的阿佘一上台,即赞槟城的朋友比怡保的来得热情多多,搞到她不时说话一半就忍不住笑了。一身黄色的她,虽说蘑菇头再见了,人比钟嘉欣化的妆少,自然很美丽,不过如果长头发会更佳!主持人说她第二次来槟城,还好她醒目的说不对,是第一次,也同时说喜欢槟城。这家伙还很聪明,马上问主持人有什么好吃,主持人怕她吃肥,结果她竟然爆了一句:“Choi Guo Lei”,笑死大家。台上台下看她,虽然是普通人一名,不过就是有那一姐的气质,很专业的和代言公司代表合照、分享护肤过程、说话小心谨慎,令人觉得她有点酷。到了签名的时刻,她还不忘帮忙打广告:“大家要快点行动哦,我快要走了。”(就是呼吁大家快点买产品拿签名,因为她快离开了)。虽然说一人买一份只有一张签名,不过我却拿到了三张,原因是我的好友Raymond趁柜台没人时偷多两张照片,因此幸运有了上台两次的机会。第一次上台时,我和阿佘说:“阿佘,记得照顾身体啊!”,她只回答:“哦!”,灿烂的笑容与洪亮的声音,真的很可爱!第二次上台时,我看到签名很快,人闪更快,就试一试看她肯不肯写我的名字。当我要求她写名字时,她就停了下来,我也傻傻在那边等,原来她要我拼给她,还好我反应快,不过也争取了看多一眼的时间。这一刻有点小兴奋的,因为只有我一人要求,也成功争取到,道谢的同时,她还笑笑说不用客气。在离开的时候,她还说将于欧阳震华拍摄古装版的陀枪师姐。在观众的欢呼声下,也就这样把她给送离开了。

With accompany of my best friend, Raymond, we went for Charmaine Sheh Skinz Infinite Roadshow. She was so nice to praise the friendly of Penangites when got up to the stage. Well, the excitement of those girls made her could not continue to speak, but to smile. Whole body with yellow suits, even though the “mushroom head” had gone, her made-up was far less than Linda’s a lot, thus resulting in a more nature beauty. Luckily she still remembered that this was the first time she came to Penang and she said she loved Penang (Pakat with Ah Fung one is it?). She immediately asked for delicious food in Penang but ended up with “Choi” after the DJ said she would be fat after eating too much. First impression towards her, nice person but a little bit cool, who was careful in her words. During the autograph session, she still remembered to promote, “Faster, I am leaving.” (In other words, means remember to get purchase the products faster so you will manage to get her autograph). Although 1 person was entitled with 1 photo for autograph, but I got three because Raymond stole 2 more from the counter when there was no one. This made me to have second chance to go up the stage. For the first time, I told her to take care. She replied, “Orrkk!” with a lovely smile. For the second time, I tried my luck to ask her to write my name on the photo. After voicing my request, she stopped there and I also stopped there. Apparently, she was waiting for me to spell my name. Fortunately, I responded quickly and it was a little surprise since I was the only one to get it. After thanking her, she again smiled and replied welcome. At the leaving moment, she claimed to start filming ancient form of “Armed Reaction” with Bobby Au.

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