The popular guy, Abang Azlan who know Mandarin well~
All of the four of us are Best Friends Forever, like Azlan said~~ In this pic, Azlan, me, Jenn Fung and Kris~~ Finally we r in one pic~~
With another two best frens, from the left, whose sound is very cute, like a cartoon, Pui Yee; and Sok Kuan, my coursemate~ who stay at the same college with me, from Sarawak, who is nice to talk n gosip with~~~
This one~ Aya, i forgot the name dy~
Keke, Jenn Fung is one of the candidate ma~
Zhen Hoe~~~ Sleeping agaknya~
Members of first group~ Hmmm~ Team works ho~~ Luckily we performed the best drama throughout the whole night!
Candidate candidate~ but didnt take his partner pic~~
Hoiii~ not alcohol la~ is the orange juice~~
Some poses~~
Another pair of candidate, Pui Yee and Jian Ping~
Next candidate, Eddie and Apple~
A simple stage~
With my coursemate, Sok Kuan again~
Hehe, another!
This girl ho, we went to eat War Tan Hoe together, kaka... Not only both of us nia, huiyo! got Ong and Macus lagi!!!!
With my another coursemate, Hui Yu~
Lol, we r taking a stupid pose here~~
erm erm,u didnt enter CCC meh?!!!hehe....urs is okie, cheap ady..ours is about 100++...expensive...